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發(fā)布時間:2021-05-18  點擊次數:183  新聞來源:

文獻名:Electrophoresis-assisted accumulation of conductive nanoparticles for the enhancement of cell electropermeabilization




作者Amina Ghorbela; Franck M.Andréa; Lluis M.Mira; Tomás García-Sánchezab

a  Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Institut Gustave Roussy, Metabolic and systemic aspects of oncogenesis (METSY), 94805 Villejuif, France

b  Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Roc Boronat, 138, 08018 Barcelona, Spain




摘要:The use of conductive nanoparticles (NPs) was previously proposed as a way to locally amplify the electric field (EF) intensity at the cell membrane to enhance cell electroporation. To achieve this, a close distance between the NPs and the cell membrane is mandatory. Here, a new method to improve the contact between NPs and cell surface using the effects of electric pulses (electrophoretic forces) is explored. The effects of two types of electric pulses are analyzed alone or combined in a two-pulse-train protocol on Chinese hamster DC-3F cells. Particularly we used 100 µs duration pulses, low intensity-millisecond pulses and combinations of both. Finally, we studied the use of surface coated NPs (PEGylated) for this application. Our results demonstrate that the delivery of an electric field prior to the electroporation pulses increases the accumulation of NPs around the cell membrane suggesting that NPs are pushed towards the cell surface through electrophoretic forces. This allowed reducing the need for long incubations between cells and NPs to observe an enhancement of electroporation mediated by conductive NPs. Thus low intensity-millisecond pulses can be used to increase the accumulation of either aggregated or individual (i.e. PEGylated) NPs supporting the electrophoretic nature of the observed effects.



關鍵詞:Gold nanoparticles; Local electric field; Pulsed electric fields; Electroporation

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